If you're within driving distance of Milford, Indiana where Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design is based, you can request that we come personally to your business or residence. The services offered can be as simple as installing your printer for you, setting up your email program, or helping you install virus protection. We also offer basic computer lessons as well as Photoshop lessons, Illustrator, InDesign, and many other programs. If you need personal assistance, this is the way to go! We can advise you on the software or hardware you may need for your home or business.
Give Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design a call (574)529-0428

Drawing has been my passion for a long time. I offer custom portraits, misc. drawings for any purpose, as well as technical illustrations. Ask me about digital drawings and Blueprint style renderings available as well. Visit the graphic work page for a few examples of current work.
Give Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design a call
(574) 529-0428

Logo Design
Corporate Identity (back to top)
Your business is known by it's branding. If you are serious about your customers recognizing your business as a high-class operation, a clean one-of-a-kind logo is the way to go. Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design also specializes in vectorization of logos for print production.
Give Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design a call (574)529-0428

So, you're putting an ad in the local paper, or maybe advertising your business with a vinyl banner outside. Let us do the work for you! Let me know what your marketing ideas are, and Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design will formulate the ultimate advertising campaign to meet your needs.
Give Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design a call (574)529-0428

A very good way to gain new customers is by handing out your information about what you do, and how to get ahold of you. Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design takes the guesswork out of getting business cards printed. Do not underestimate the value in professionally printed business cards as opposed to the Do-It-Yourself cards you buy at the superstores.
Give Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design a call (574)529-0428

Along the same lines as needing a good business card, custom stationary or letterhead is a vital part of operating a business that shows the customer what you do, and that you are proud of the service you provide to them. Let Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design create an exciting letterhead for you or your business.
Curtis Smeltzer Graphic Design, Website Design & Maintenance, Services Offered